During EBA talks, the CEPU continually called on Australia Post to drop their practice of using Facility Nominated Doctors.

FND’s, paid for and controlled by Australia Post management, are used to get injured workers back on the job before they are ready. 

This then allows management to manipulate Lost Time Injury figures and access large executive bonuses, at the expense of workers’ health and safety.

We’ve heard horror stories of members being directed back to work by FND’s, with broken bones and unhealed injuries:

·  In Queensland a mail officer saw an FND about pains in her leg, she was told it was a sprained ankle and directed on to light duties – four days later it was discovered her ankle was broken.

·  In NSW a postie was ordered to an FND after an accident and put back to work on light duties (no lost time).  A week later the pain was so bad, he went to his own doctor, where X-rays revealed a broken leg and the doctor also discovered an almost fatal blood clot.

At these hearings Post was quizzed about why it refers employees to an FND, even after the employee has already seen their treating doctor. Senior Deputy President (SDP) Drake asked Post the following:

SDP DRAKE: “… it can’t be the case that in every respect the employer needs a second examination.

“You have (a) a claim and (b) a medical report from a certified general practitioner. Why would you require a medical examination unless you had some doubt about the veracity of the report?”

Australia Post uses FNDs to pressure its employees – risking employee health, making them work in pain.

Our EBA7 campaign is about protecting your security, safety and pay.  Take action!

Tell Australia Post your safety and wellbeing are important to you – tell them to end their practice of using FND’s now!

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