BSA have added insult to injury this week by offering $50 vouchers to reward good customer service, even as installers are tallying up the hundreds of dollars in unfair fines the contractor has imposed on them this year.

The reward is particularly outrageous given that new contracts recently handed out by BSA make good customer service even harder to provide.

A recent survey of installers by the CEPU showed that 94% feel under pressure to cut corners on jobs because of restrictions on pay rates and time allowance.

Despite this, the below email was sent to installers proclaiming Foxtel’s “commitment” to customer service: 

Dear installers,

FOXTEL continuously invests a substantial amount of time into the use of customer surveys. These surveys are a vital part of the FOXTEL service to ensure that we listen to customer feedback and take advantage of our opportunities for growth and healthy sales results.

BSA would like to recognise the great work performed in the field every day and provide you with the latest report received from FOXTEL. This report is filled with great feedback from customers who have gone out of their way to commend you. Is your name on there?!

Those technicians who have been highlighted by FOXTEL’s customers and commended on their fantastic service, will be rewarded with a $50.00 BSA Warehouse Voucher as our way of saying thanks. Your contracting companies are the only face to face contact FOXTEL has with its customers and we would like to ensure that those who are recognised by FOXTEL’s customers are commended for their fantastic service.

To see the latest report, please download the attached document to your PC.

Congratulations to all of those technicians who have been recognised in the attached list and thank you for all of your hard work!

Following the launch of installer’s Fair Go Foxtel campaign, Foxtel responded to media inquiries by saying they have no responsibility for the contracts offered to installers.

This email show’s just how much Foxtel cares about their work.

We all need to let Foxtel know that it is time they cared as much about installers themselves as they care about these customer service surveys. After all THEY are the face of Foxtel.

Make sure you spread the word about the Fair Go Foxtel campaign – sign the petition and share it on facebook so your friends and family can sign as well.

Foxtel cannot continue to shirk its responsibility while installers are treated like second rate citizens.

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