Job applicants are being sought on Australia’s ‘largest telecommunications project’ – the NBN – but the job applicants are not coming from where you might expect.

“3 Years Work In Australia – Interviews in Ireland in June” begins an online job advertisement for $75,000 jobs on the National Broadband Network.

“Experience in copper cable jointing is a must – expand your career opportunities and take on Australia’s largest telecommunications project – Positions all over Australia,” continues the ad.

In a clear pitch to Irish backpackers the job ad goes on to say “Bring the family and stay in one spot or travel across the country… terrific opportunity to see the great southern land.”

CEPU Communications Division National Secretary Greg Rayner said jobs on the NBN should be going to local people in Australia, not Irish backpackers.

“This is Australia’s biggest job creating infrastructure project and with youth unemployment over 10 per cent, we need these job here and now,” Mr Rayner said.

“Today we’ve confirmed that the Turnbull Government plans to send NBN jobs offshore to Ireland. Once again, Australian workers are being put last by Malcolm Turnbull.”

The Union’s NSW Branch Secretary Jim Metcher said jobs will be “dished out to workers in Kilkenny, not Sydney; in Tipperary, not Londonderry; in Dublin not Condobolin; Belfast, not Belgrave. It’s a disgrace.”

“There are thousands of out of work Australian professionals ready and willing to work on the NBN, Mr Metcher said.

The advertisement offers to provide “migration assistance to get to Australia” as well as “all training”; OH&S induction card, first aid; other certifications, and even a drivers license.

Read the job advertisement here:

Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617

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