Consultation continues on alternate modes of delivery

Members have expressed concern relating to information recently shared by Australia Post in relation to the direction the company is taking in terms of modes of delivery.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the consultative process around alternate modes of delivery is in its infancy at the Last Mile Consultative Forum —a forum consisting not only of management representatives, but Union officials from across the country, many of whom with extensive delivery backgrounds.

Some basic principles have been discussed and are as follows:

  • Nobody will be forced to use an EAMB or Eevee.
  • The criteria and agreed guidelines for implementation will be utilised at each facility, particularly the safety review of potential rounds. Not every round will be suitable, or necessary, to be completed by motorcycle. This process alone dictates how widespread the usage of alternate modes of delivery will be at a particular workplace and with the involvement of your local AUR.
  • The 12 month temporary cancellation of ongoing replacements for the NBC motorcycle to utilise what is essentially an overstock.
  • The use of alternate modes of delivery will be considered against any health or medical issues affecting an individual — i.e. If your doctor believes you are unable to utilise a certain mode of delivery, this will be considered.
  • Union participants on the Last Mile Consultative Forum are strongly advocating for an Independent Ergonomic Study to be undertaken to ensure a clear understanding of the impacts in the short, medium and long term, with a view to proactively minimising health and safety risks associated with alternate delivery modes.
  • We currently do not envisage a time where alternate modes of delivery would replace the motorcycle entirely, particularly if the agreed implementation guidelines are applied, nor is it being discussed and considered.

We want to hear from you

Member feedback is crucial to ensuring your voice is heard at the Last Mile Consultative Forum. Any issues raised by members with your Union will be represented and advocated for during the consultation process to ensure issues are resolved prior to widespread implementation.

You can provide your feedback by contacting your Branch Official on (02) 9893 7822 or emailing

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