

Safety Commission slams intentional Australia Post workers’ comp delays

The Commonwealth Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) has today announced regulatory action being enforced against Australia Post after finding the Corporation breached its licensing conditions under the Commonwealth’s workers’ compensation self-insurance scheme. The Union has long complained of internal performance targets for the reduction of Loss of Time Injuries (LTIs) linked to management financial incentives. In late 2008, the

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One Network Trial – Stage Two discussions underway

I want all members to understand, clearly – Australia Post have a legislative obligation to make a profit and return a dividend to the Government. In reality, significant losses are engulfing the letters business which employs the vast majority of Australia Post’s workforce – our delivery members. That is a serious problem. Whether it be through the introduction of new

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Action notice: work stoppages between 7:30am and 8:00am

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. This action has been designed to allow members to send a clear message to Telstra that they deserve better, whilst minimising the impact on your

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Australia Post’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy roll-out

You may be aware of the impending roll out of Australia Post’s new Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Policy through briefings which may have occurred already occurred at your workplace. Australia Post has maintained the policy’s intention is to address safety risks to promote a safer overall working environment for our members. Whilst your Union cannot and will not prevent the introduction of initiatives

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Telstra action update: casual clothing days cancelled

Last week we wrote to you to advise the CEPU/CWU had authorised protected action at Telstra for members to attend for ordinary duty in casual clothing. This was planned as another way for members to engage in symbolic action to advance their claims for a fair EBA, and a fair pay rise, whilst minimising the impact of industrial action on

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Action notice: Casual clothing days and GOC work bans, next week

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further protected action. Your Union is directing all members, employed by Telstra who are covered by the EBA (including AWA and ITEA): – Across all States and Territories to attend for duty wearing casual clothing for the duration of their engagement between 12:01am Tuesday 26 March and 11:59pm Friday 29 March 2019 and; – Employed at the Global Operations Centre (GOC) in Clayton, VIC to engage in protected action by banning

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Indefinite ban on accepting stores at home commences Monday

Members last week engaged in strike action for the first time in over a decade. Our initial planned symbolic action was carefully planned to occur in unpaid time and minimise the impacts on customers, whilst still allowing members to send a clear message to Telstra. Telstra’s reaction to threaten to dock members a full day’s pay for engaging, effectively locking

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Retail members win significant improvements to important allowances

The cost of living is always on the rise, and is often an unforgiving toll on the ability of our members and their families to meet their financial obligations. Whether it is the grocery bill, the petrol bill, or a family night out – everything is always going up. Your Union is constantly looking for ways to ease the burden

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Overtime bans at Telstra commence Wednesday

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised for protected industrial action in the form of indefinite overtime bans commencing on Wednesday, to follow our national strike on Tuesday. Therefore, the Union is directing all members employed by Telstra who are covered by the EBA (including AWA and ITEA) across all States and Territories to refuse to engage in any and all

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Telstra: On Tuesday, we STRIKE!

We wrote to you earlier this week to notify you of protected industrial action the CEPU had authorised to advance your claims for a new, fair Enterprise Agreement at Telstra – in particular, a ban on undertaking specific duties during unpaid time (log on / log off etc). This ban would’ve enabled members to send a clear message that you and your family

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